The 5-Day Learn Launch Lead Challenge – Your Questions Answered

The 5-Day Learn Launch Lead Challenge – Your Questions Answered

Dave really out did himself with this one…and below I answer your burning questions.

You can’t be proud of your business if you don’t have full understanding of how MARKETING, ENTREPRENEURSHIP, AND DIGITAL SKILLS WORK.

This is what we do here.

This is what we’ve done since 2017.

And we just changed the whole dang education industry with the amount of education we provide in the 5-Day Learn Launch Lead Challenge…because we’re practically giving it away for only $5.

There’s ZERO FLUFF in this challenge.

It’s a big ol’ plate of meat and potatoes. 

Remember – EVERY SINGLE BUSINESS need marketing. 

They need an online presence.

We teach you the skills, we teach you how to build and monetize an online presence of your own in any niche, for any product.

You’ll be empowered. You’ll build confidence. You CAN DO THIS.

Solet’s dive into the questions regarding our new 5-Day Learn Launch Lead Challenge…


What are the differences between the previous 15-Day Challenge and the NEW 5-Day Learn Launch Lead Challenge?

OH man…let me list a FEW of the differences…

  1. We go over how to pick a niche in an area you love right on Day 1
  2. We include an entire day on Faceless content so you can get online without as much worry
  3. We include an entire day on content creation, planning, along with homework to take action!
  4. We know how important mindset is. Many of us need more support with getting out of our own way, so we weaved MINDSET throughout each day of the challenge.


Dave poured his decades of experience along with the feedback from YOU and created a completely new challenge to HELP you LEARN, GET LAUNCHED, and step into LEADING. 

If I have the previous 15-Day Challenge, can I buy the new Learn Launch Lead challenge?

YES, this is a completely separate product and experience.

If you own the 15-day challenge, you still have access to it. However, our new challenge, for $5, is a remastered, beefed-up challenge to help our students get exactly what they need to get launched. As you can see from the first question above it’s JAM PACKED with a focus on CONTENT CREATION! You can’t sell a darn thing online without traffic – which means you need to know how to create content. This challenge goes into Faceless Marketing as well!

Does the new Learn Launch Lead Challenge cover digital products?

Like I said…You can’t sell a darn thing – even a digital product until you know how to market it.

Shoot…if you are still stuck, scrolling and consuming more than creating, if you’re barely taking action, and just hoping that saying you have a digital product will get you sales…you need a refocus.

Our Learn Launch Lead Challenge gives you the opportunity to GET FOCUSED on what MATTERS at the start of a business. We don’t want you to launch with a small vision. We want you to launch your business with a long-term, long-lasting business you can be proud of to share with friends and family. Learn the basics and you can have a variety of streams of income as you scale – including digital products.

Can I meet with an advisor during the Learn Launch Lead Challenge?

YES – on your first login you will pick your path – Advisor led or Self led. We do have data that the VAST majority that actually COMPLETE our education, did meet with an advisor. If you would like that added support and sounding board, choose Advisor led. It’s 100% up to you and available in the new challenge.

Does it come with MRR?


And that’s the MRR we consider a long term viable, stream of income that you should add to your business. If you’re talking about anything that forces you to buy something in order to resell it, pyramid feel to it – you won’t find that here.

As you SCALE your business adding streams of income such as Monthly Recurring Revenue is FANTASTIC. 

BUT you can’t get to that point unless you have the roots, the skills, and the confidence. You got to get launched and grow a following first. That’s what we do here. Our Learn Launch Lead Challenge teaches you what you need to GET STARTED.

Will you still sell the 15 Day Challenge?

We believe in our new challenge so much, we are no longer offering the 15 Day challenge to new students.

I’m seeing products online that don’t offer a refund – will Legendary still offer refunds?

YOU BET! We have and always believe in creating a space that can be trusted and value our students FIRST. The 5-Day Learn Launch Lead Challenge comes with a 30-Day money back refund period. I mean, it’s wild to think of purchasing anything without a refund period attached.

How do I get my hands on the 5-Day Learn Launch Lead Challenge?

Login to your back office, Hover over CHALLENGE at the top and select 5-Day Challenge and buy it right there for INSTANT ACCESS. Remember it’s only 5 bucks.

You can also snag it here: