Introducing Our 5-Day Learn, Launch, Lead Challenge

Introducing Our 5-Day Learn, Launch, Lead Challenge

That’s exactly why I’ve created this BRAND NEW 5-Day LEARN, LAUNCH, LEAD Challenge... to help you learn and develop those skills. Your creative juices will be peaked with what’s possible for you! You’ll uncover your interests and passions and the tools to monetize them. Maybe it’s in the pet niche, relationships, parenting, wealth, or even travel or health and fitness. The sky’s the limit and all that matters is uncovering what gets you excited! Like you, many have had doubts and fears, but we’ve been there to guide them, revealing their hidden talents and getting their online businesses off the ground. With the release of this 5-Day Challenge, let me be absolutely clear about something…
• If you’re looking for a get-rich-quick quick cash grab…
• An easy button to make money flood into your bank account…
• A no-investment opportunity that never delivers what is promised…
Then this is not the right program for you and you should save yourself some time. It’s alright. If you’re not ready to create a real, long-lasting business that you must invest your time, patience, and some money into then you may not be the right person for this program.
See, there may only be a small fee of $5 for my 5-Day LEARN, LAUNCH, LEAD Challenge, but there is always an investment of time, energy, and capital into starting a business. Got Your Attention? I’ve also done something that no other GURU, mentor, coach, or CEO has done with their customers…. I’ve interviewed nearly 1,000 of them and included those interviews for you to listen to as a member of our community, plus I interview a brand-new person every weekday for you to hear how they’ve learned and launched their own side hustle with our support. These people are obviously from many cultures, walks of life, and backgrounds – yet… …they all share the same dedication and values and have worked hard, and invested time and money while implementing the steps our program instructed them to. Perhaps you’re in a place where you’ve grown impatient, desperate, or skeptical about creating a successful online business. It’s really no surprise, considering many of the programs out there are simply draining people’s bank accounts with tactics that seldom work instead of systems that develop growth. Let me ask you a question:
Who are you? Are you a person who wants fast cash that doesn’t last – or – someone who truly wants to reshape your future and that of your loved ones? Are you tired of waiting for the right opportunity and ready to do what it takes to CREATE the opportunity? Are you becoming increasingly skeptical of coaching programs and internet business training that flashes unbelievable income claims, fast cars, and shady business practices? If you are, then take a moment to listen closely…
Here You WILL NOT find:
• Easy riches
• No work or investment involved schemes
• Unproven tactics for overnight success
But, if you’re ready, what you WILL find is:
• A place for a diverse range of people, voices, perspectives, and backgrounds who want to create and develop a life and business that will shape a long-lasting legacy of success.
• Real, proven, current methods of developing an online business that is profitable and satisfying and leaves you feeling fulfilled versus embarrassed, guilty, and ashamed
• A well-documented and effective path that will catapult you toward accomplishing your dream business goals while still allowing you to be able to sleep at night with the knowledge you have created a legitimate, successful business you can be proud of.
If I have your permission, allow me to show you what you’ll experience over the next 5 days in my brand-new…
5-Day Learn Launch Lead Challenge
5 Days of DETAILED PACKED lessons that provide you the simple yet powerful building blocks that are crucial in digital marketing.
• THE CORE FOUR: Understand the four core areas of digital marketing that give you options.
• INTRODUCTION TO FUNNELS: Understand what this process looks like as you implement what you learn with your first funnel!
• NICHE SELECTION: Uncover what you love and how to begin to monetize it.
• Quick Launch Strategies: Learn how to quickly launch your business with a focus on content creation.
• INTRODUCTION TO FACELESS MARKETING: You can get your first post up quickly without the added anxiety of going on camera.
• We dive into detailed content creation where you’re the face of your brand.
• We show you how to unlock the leader hidden within and arm you with a tool belt of content strategy and tips.
• Entrepreneurial Dynamics: Understand the mindset and dynamics of what it takes to be a successful entrepreneur.
• Craft Your Plan: Dave walks you through putting together a comprehensive business plan class, so you can continue to take focused, intentional action with your online business.
How much will all this cost you? Not hundreds, or even thousands of dollars like either guru and coaches are charging for this level of training, no. All this for $5 – the price of a large latte at your local coffee shop! But that’s not all… let me remind you of all the bonuses I’m throwing in on top of the training to ensure we leave no stone unturned as you learn to launch your new online business in the next 5 days….
• Bonus #1 – Top-Converting Funnel Templates
Let me hand you a top-converting funnel to put straight into your funnel builder (if you don’t have one, we’ll hook you up with a free trial – this is the same sales funnel page builder I use to run all my campaigns).
• Bonus #2 – Bridge Page Video Script
Knowing what to say can sometimes be overwhelming. With this bonus, you’ll know exactly what to say and how to say it so you can build your brand and have a long-lasting business. This script will eliminate your fear of getting on video.
• Bonus #3 – Email Templates to Launch With
My email templates are designed to build relationships, establish trust, and deliver value… Use these templates to do the same for you!
• Bonus #4 – Facebook Ad Templates
Facebook is the hottest advertising platform on earth right now so I’ll give you templates complete with full swipe files that can help you launch your first paid ad online!
• Bonus #5 – Launch with Short Form Content
Use this powerful bonus to get your creative juices flowing and create your first short form video for your business. This will help you connect with future clients online simply, easy and effectively.
• Bonus #6 – A Customized Business Plan
Now that you have the core information and training you need, we’ll help you create your own customized business plan. You now have clarity on exactly what you want and how to achieve it (step-by-step).
• Bonus #7 – Personal 1-on-1 Advisor
We have a team of advisors that you can choose to book a call with and get the personalized care and attention you’ve been missing. Ask questions and get helpful advice as you are moving through the challenge.
By the time you’re done with my Learn, Launch, Lead Challenge, you’ll have the foundational training you need, an actual physical business plan to follow, your funnel and your email list set-up properly, and ready for you to launch with a content plan in hand! Then once you complete the 5 Day Challenge… You can take everything you’ve learned and received from this powerful training and launch your business on your own, OR explore other options we have to help coach and support you every step of the way!
You’ll discover, right inside the Challenge, all the various ways we can support you through our advanced coaching programs and events… so you can develop your game plan for success and support all within the next 5 Days!
We Can Confidently Share… You’ve Found the One Place That Will Actually Help You.
No more opting into 20 different programs. No more filling your inbox with sales letter after sales letter from this guru or that. No more feeling left alone, not knowing who to turn to as you launch a new online business. It’s all right here, on your terms, when you’re ready. To keep you focused To keep you driven To keep you feeling supported But right now, the first step… the only step to focus on is to start the 5-Day Learn, Launch, Lead Challenge TODAY.
Devour each day Ask questions Complete the assignments Take notes And explore what’s truly involved in becoming a Digital Marketer.
You can join this challenge with confidence. If you’re not fully satisfied, simply request a refund within 30 days No questions asked, we’ll refund your $5 bucks. All you have to do is submit your refund request to my customer service department at
WHAT DO YOU SAY… ARE YOU UP FOR THE CHALLENGE? Are you ready to finally take a real step towards new skills and new goals? If so, LET’S GO. SLAM the button below. Enter your details on our safe and secure order